Admin office hours - Mon - Thurs 10.00-22.30 Fri - 09.00-16.00 We will typically respond within 24 hours inside office opening hoursPhone number - 07484840061 Email -
Web design Vu:Du creative media 2025
Step into a realm where every click captures not just a moment, but an expression of opulence and style. With customizable backdrops, premium props, and instant printing, our luxury photo booths promise to enchant guests and leave a lasting impression. Let us turn your occasion into an unforgettable affair, where every smile is immortalized in the most exquisite fashion.
AI photo booth hire is a service that combines traditional photo booths with artificial intelligence (AI) technology.Itoffersanenhancedandinteractivephotoboothexperienceforevents,parties,weddings,corporategatherings,and otheroccasions.Insteadofaregularphotoboothwheregueststakepicturesmanually,AIphotoboothsutilize advanced computer vision and machine learning algorithms to provide unique and engaging features.HOW IT WORKSTakeaphotowithoneofourluxuryphotoboothsasnormal,theboothwillinstantlyprintaphotoforyourgueststo keepasakeepsakeAsthephotoisprinting,theimagewillbeprocessedusingourAitechnologiesandthephotowill betransformedintoananimeartwhichyourguestswilllove.Guestswillbeabletoviewtheanimeimageontherear screenaswellasprint*,shareandsendthephotototheirphonesandoremail.Abeautiful,funandmemorable keepsake of an amazing event.
AI Experience
A fun and exciting activation, take a photo and wait to be transformed into a Pixar inspired cartoon character.
View Photos on Socialsfind more photos, videos and other items on our social media pages. find us on Facebook, X and Instagram
by MooMuu™
AI Experience
Frequently asked questions regarding the AniMe activation
What is AniMe?AniMe by MooMuu is a unique AI experience which will transform you in to a Pixar inspired cartoon character. How does it work?Simply take a photo using the photo booth and the photo booth will do it’s magic using a specially created algorithm through AI and booth magic to transform the photo in just a few seconds through a combination of local and cloud based AI processing. Is wi-fi required?Wi-Fi is required to create this activation. Some of the processing is done within the booth, however some is also created in the cloud. If Wi-Fi is not available, we have a mobile router we can use, however we need 4G signal on the EE network. We don’t have Wi-Fi and unsure about a EE signal?In the event that we cannot connect to either Wi-Fi or EE through our mobile router, we can still provide the photo booth, however the AniMe photos won’t be available until we connect to a network. AniMe photos will be available online to view/share and download within 48 hours from the end of the event.
What prints are available?The booth will print the normal photo booth photo plus the AniMe photo will be displayed on the rear sharing screen where it can be viewed, shared via sms and also printed too.What is your coverage area?The anime experience is available across the mainland UK
AI Experience by MooMuu photo experience
AI EXPERIENCEYou, just more awesome
Why just take a photo when you can be instantly transformed using awesome AI technology. TransformyourselfintoaF1racingdriver,ahighstakespokerplayer,themostwantedpersoninthewildwest,anathleteorevena super hero!! The limit is only your imagination. BooktheMooMuuAIexperiencetodayandexperiencetheawesometransformation.Makingordinaryintoextraordinarymemories with MooMuu—where every shot tells a story.
Ai Experiences
by MooMUU
AI Photo Experiences
luxury photo booth hire by MooMUU
Admin office hours - Mon - Thurs 10.00-22.30 Fri - 09.00-16.00 We will typically respond within 24 hours inside office opening hoursPhone number - 07484840061 Email -
Web design Vu:Du creative media 2025
Step into a realm where every click captures not just a moment, but an expression of opulence and style. With customizable backdrops, premium props, and instant printing, our luxury photo booths promise to enchant guests and leave a lasting impression. Let us turn your occasion into an unforgettable affair, where every smile is immortalized in the most exquisite fashion.
A fun and exciting activation, take a photo and wait to be transformed into a Pixar inspired cartoon character.
contact us or request a brochurecomplete the short form to enquire about our range of services or request a brochure and we’ll get back to you within the hour.