Admin office hours - Mon - Thurs 10.00-22.30 Fri - 09.00-16.00 We will typically respond within 24 hours inside office opening hoursPhone number - 07484840061 Email -
Web design Vu:Du creative media 2024
Step into a realm where every click captures not just a moment, but an expression of opulence and style. With customizable backdrops, premium props, and instant printing, our luxury photo booths promise to enchant guests and leave a lasting impression. Let us turn your occasion into an unforgettable affair, where every smile is immortalized in the most exquisite fashion.
OurPhotoMosaicWallcanbeanamazingadditiontomosteventscreatingjaw-droppingdigital&physicalmosaics from live event photos in real-time; using an exclusive, state-of-the-art algorithm.ThePhotoMosaicWallcreatesdigital&physicalmosaicsfromliveeventphotosinreal-time.Thephotosare automatically fetched from Instagram, Twitter, on-site photo booths, an on-site photographer’s camera, and more.Thephotomosaicwallmakeseveryoneattheeventfeellikeonceyoulookatthebigpicture,we’reallinittogether. From up-close, you see individual photos – further back, the mosaic is revealed.Ina‘physicalsetup’:ThePhotoMosaicWallautomaticallyprintsphotosasstickers.Guestscanengageinthe interactive experience by placing their photo stickers on the mosaic board.Ina‘digitalsetup’:Themosaicgenerationprocessiseitherprojected(usingaprojector),displayedonalarge-screen TV,orpresentedgloballythroughaweblink.Thephotostransitionintotheirplaceonthemosaicinreal-timewith stunning 3D effects.The end result: A beautiful mosaic of photos from the event.
Mosaic Photo Experience
A unique photo experience which includes a mosaic wall which will amaze and captivate your guests creating an unforgettable masterpiece.
View Photos on Socialsfind more photos, videos and other items on our social media pages. find us on Facebook, X and Instagram
by MooMuu™
Mosaic Wall
How big is the printed photo mosaic wall?Depending on your event's scale and the desired complexity of your image, we can provide any size mosaic, however our most popular sizes are :Private and smaller events•125 x 65cm - duration - 4hourstotal 325 5cm tiles•125 x 100cm - duration - 6 hourstotal 500 5cm tilespublic & corporate events •150 x 100cm - duration - 7 hours total 600 5cm tiles•200 x125cm - duration -12 hours total 1000 5cm tilesThese sizes are examples. We can create any size for a few hours to multi day activations. Please contact us and we’ll send a bespoke no obligation quote.Each mosaic is printed on high-quality 5mm Foamex material, and attached to a modular frame at your venue. Our packages also include space for branding below the mosaic grid, allowing for additional brand promotion.
Where can the Photo Mosaic Wall be used?A printed Photo Mosaic Wall can be used at a wide range of events such as weddings, parties and celebrations as well as corporate events, award ceremonies, conferences, product launches, exhibitions, and more. It's also great for pop-up stores and as a front-of-house display for businesses.A Photo Mosaic Wall in digital format can be displayed on any screen that has an internet connection.I love this but my event has finished, is it too late?If you've already hosted an event but missed out on the Mosaic Wall experience, don't worry! With our post-event service, you can send us your event images, (or if we attended your event we’ll already have the images) and we will create a digital and or printed photo mosaic for you. This service is a wonderful way to extend the memory of the event and continue the engagement with your audience.How can guests contribute their photos to the Photo Mosaic Wall?Guests can contribute their photos through our photo booth experiences, social media using an event hashtag, roaming photographer and you can supply any images you would like to be included in the final mosaic.What is your coverage area?The photo mosaic wall is available across the mainland UK
Frequently asked questions regarding the mosaic wall
Photo mosaic - mosaic wall hire
by MooMuu™
by MooMUU
Physical and Virtual Mosaic
We have 3 types of mosaic available to suit your event and requirements. 1.physicalmosaic,ourteamwillbeatyourevent,installthemosaicwallandhelpandassistgueststakephotosandcompletethephysicalwall.You’llreceiveaphysical completed mosaic wall as well as a high resolution digital version to share on social media platforms and printed media.2.digitalmosaicwall,ourteamwillbeatyoureventandinstallaphotoboothand50”monitorsoguestswillbeabletoseethemosaicbeingcompleteddigitally..You’llreceive a high resolution digital mosaic post event allowing you to share on social media platforms and printed media. 3.virtualmosaicwall,ourtechnicalteamwillcreateamosaicgrid,personalisedbrowserforyoutodisplaythemosaicremotelyandanimageuploadlinkforgueststoupload photosduringyourevent.Wecanalsocollectphotosviaaninstagram#tag.Everythingissetupremotely,perfectifyouhavescreensatyoureventanddon’trequireateam at your event. Simply log into your browser using the address we’ll send to you and start uploading images. You’ll receive a high resolution completed mosaic post event. Contact us for a virtual mosaic demo
Admin office hours - Mon - Thurs 10.00-22.30 Fri - 09.00-16.00 We will typically respond within 24 hours inside office opening hoursPhone number - 07484840061 Email -
Web design Vu:Du creative media 2024
Step into a realm where every click captures not just a moment, but an expression of opulence and style. With customizable backdrops, premium props, and instant printing, our luxury photo booths promise to enchant guests and leave a lasting impression. Let us turn your occasion into an unforgettable affair, where every smile is immortalized in the most exquisite fashion.
OurPhotoMosaicWallcanbean amazingadditiontomostevents creatingjaw-droppingdigital& physicalmosaicsfromliveevent photosinreal-time;usinganexclusive, state-of-the-art algorithm.ThePhotoMosaicWallcreatesdigital &physicalmosaicsfromliveevent photosinreal-time.Thephotosare automaticallyfetchedfromInstagram, Twitter,on-sitephotobooths,anon-site photographer’s camera, and more.Thephotomosaicwallmakes everyoneattheeventfeellikeonce youlookatthebigpicture,we’reallinit together.Fromup-close,yousee individualphotos–furtherback,the mosaic is revealed.Ina‘physicalsetup’:ThePhotoMosaic Wallautomaticallyprintsphotosas stickers.Guestscanengageinthe interactiveexperiencebyplacingtheir photo stickers on the mosaic board.Ina‘digitalsetup’:Themosaic generationprocessiseitherprojected (usingaprojector),displayedona large-screenTV,orpresentedglobally throughaweblink.Thephotos transitionintotheirplaceonthe mosaicinreal-timewithstunning3D effects.Theendresult:Abeautifulmosaicof photos from the event.
A unique photo experience which includes a mosaic wall which will amaze and captivate your guests creating an unforgettable masterpiece.
contact us or request a brochurecomplete the short form to enquire about our range of services or request a brochure and we’ll get back to you within the hour.
Physical and Virtual Mosaic
Wehave3typesofmosaicavailabletosuityoureventand requirements. 1.physicalmosaic,ourteamwillbeatyourevent,install themosaicwallandhelpandassistgueststakephotos andcompletethephysicalwall.You’llreceiveaphysical completedmosaicwallaswellasahighresolution digitalversiontoshareonsocialmediaplatformsand printed media.2.digitalmosaicwall,ourteamwillbeatyoureventand installaphotoboothand50”monitorsoguestswillbe abletoseethemosaicbeingcompleteddigitally..You’ll receiveahighresolutiondigitalmosaicpostevent allowingyoutoshareonsocialmediaplatformsand printed media. 3.virtualmosaicwall,ourtechnicalteamwillcreatea mosaicgrid,personalisedbrowserforyoutodisplaythe mosaicremotelyandanimageuploadlinkforgueststo uploadphotosduringyourevent.Wecanalsocollect photosviaaninstagram#tag.Everythingissetup remotely,perfectifyouhavescreensatyoureventand don’trequireateamatyourevent.Simplylogintoyour browserusingtheaddresswe’llsendtoyouandstart uploadingimages.You’llreceiveahighresolution completed mosaic post event. Contact us for a virtual mosaic demo