Admin office hours - Mon - Thurs 10.00-22.30 Fri - 09.00-16.00 We will typically respond within 24 hours inside office opening hoursPhone number - 07484840061 Email -
Web design Vu:Du creative media 2024
Step into a realm where every click captures not just a moment, but an expression of opulence and style. With customizable backdrops, premium props, and instant printing, our luxury photo booths promise to enchant guests and leave a lasting impression. Let us turn your occasion into an unforgettable affair, where every smile is immortalized in the most exquisite fashion.
Frequently asked questions
Here’s a list of our frequently asked questions which you may find useful, if you have a question not answered here, please do feel free to contact us anytime
Photo Booth
Our standard is 3 hours - the setup prior to the event and pack down are not included in this time meaning you get the full 3 hours operational booth time.
If you need longer than 3 hours then that's no problem. You can choose the run time when you book.
It takes around an hour to set up and configure the booth, so we'll arrive around an hour before the start time to set up. .
Yes, as long as the floor is level and the photo booth is sheltered from the rain and there is a standard UK 13amp plug socket within 5m of the intended set up area..
We can go up or down stairs in a venue as long as access is via a sloping ramp or lift. Our staff will not carry equipment up or down stairs.
The minimum floor space required for our booth is 3m x 3m. This is the minimum to fit in the booth, backdrop, props etc. and also to leave room for your guests to get in. We also require 2.5m height clearance..
We also require 1 standard UK socket within 5m of the proposed set up area
Our staff will only stay for the original hire time booked, we will try to setup as quickly as possible so you get the most time from the photo booth but we will not stay longer than the original time booked, please ensure we can setup around 1hr before your specified start time..
Yes, we can set the booth up earlier in the day/evening. This is idol time and the booth will not be operational during this period. Idol time is charged at a reduced rate
Your guests can visit the booth as many times as they want during the hire period with two photos being printed for each visit. Usually at weddings one goes into the guest book the other goes to the people that are in the picture. Corporate events and parties we print two for the guests in the picture. But remember there are no limits on how many visits your guests can have..
We use the latest Canon mirrorless 4k high-resolution camera, studio lighting and professional software to produce exceptional quality photos.
Prints from our Photo Booth will be printed using the latest DNP thermal dye sublimation printers, as used by photo-processing companies. They print in about 8 seconds and all photos are delivered totally touch dry and waterproof.
Yes, you can access photos post event from your client portal. or on the photo gallery page on this site. View and Download Here
MooMuu Photo Experiences has sole ownership of all photos taken and processed from every event..
Props, Backdrops and Flower Walls
Absolutely! we provide a huge box full of premium props which can be themed on request. Additionally, if you do not require props then that's no problem at all.
Of course, you can choose your backdrop at the time of booking or anytime via your client portal account.
Take a look at our range of backdrops and flower walls Click Here
Absolutely, if you would like to use something in particular you are more than welcome to do so (after all it is you event), the backdrop ideally needs to be 7ft x 7ft.
Guest Book
Yes, this is all included in your package!
We will supply to our wedding clients a standard guest book. This is a white hardbacked book which is 8x8" there's enough space for a 4x6 print and space for guests to leave a message. !
We also supply premium leather guest books and personalised faux leather guest book which can be purchased via your client portal
Yes of course. Just let us know that you're supplying your own.
We accept credit/debit cards, Klarna 3 instalment payments and bank transfers..
The initial payment of £95.00 is payable upon booking and the remaining balance is then due 14 days before your event date. We'll send a reminder before this is due.
Initial payments are not refundable as this covers our admin time setting up your booking and online portal account to manage your booking.
Insurance and Legal Documents
Yes, we hold a 10 million pounds public liability insurance which is above what most venues require
Yes, all of our equipment is regularly tested for electrical safety. A copy of our PAT certification can be downloaded/viewed/sent directly to your venue via your client portal
We travel primarily around Wiltshire, Cotswolds, Bath, Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire, Somerset, Bristol, Berkshire, Hampshire and the New Forest. Travel is included for the first 50 miles and a small fee per mile thereafter. We also travel anywhere in the UK for our clients events. Travel costs are calculated online when obtaining a quote..
Client Portal Account
You will have access to your own booking management account via our website when you book with MooMuu. You will be able to manage your booking, make payments, download documents and choose templates and backdrops to name a few.
You can log in to your client portal account by clicking the link in the menu on the top of the website or this link Click Here
You can access all of your photos online post event by simply logging into your client portal account and scroll down to the media section. You'll be able to download/share and view your photos there. We will also send you a link 48 hours post event.
If you've been to an event and wish to view photos, you can find them here Photo Gallery
View Photos on Socialsfind more photos, videos and other items on our social media pages. find us on Facebook, X and Instagram
Admin office hours - Mon - Thurs 10.00-22.30 Fri - 09.00-16.00 We will typically respond within 24 hours inside office opening hoursPhone number - 07484840061 Email -
Web design Vu:Du creative media 2024
Step into a realm where every click captures not just a moment, but an expression of opulence and style. With customizable backdrops, premium props, and instant printing, our luxury photo booths promise to enchant guests and leave a lasting impression. Let us turn your occasion into an unforgettable affair, where every smile is immortalized in the most exquisite fashion.
Frequently asked
Here’s a list of our frequently asked questions which you may find useful, if you have a question not answered here, please do feel free to contact us anytime
Photo BoothHow long does the booth run for?Ourstandardis3hours-thesetuppriortotheeventandpackdownare notincludedinthistimemeaningyougetthefull3hoursoperational booth time.Ifyouneedlongerthan3hoursthenthat'snoproblem.Youcanchoose the run time when you book.How long does it take to set up?Ittakesaroundanhourtosetupandconfigurethebooth,sowe'llarrive around an hour before the start time to set up. Can the booth go outside or in a marquee?Yes,aslongasthefloorislevelandthephotoboothisshelteredfromthe rainandthereisastandardUK13ampplugsocketwithin5mofthe intended set up area.Can the booth go upstairs?Wecangoupordownstairsinavenueaslongasaccessisviaasloping ramp or lift. Our staff will not carry equipment up or down stairs.How much space do you require and power requirements?Theminimumfloorspacerequiredforourboothis3mx3m.Thisisthe minimumtofitinthebooth,backdrop,propsetc.andalsotoleaveroom for your guests to get in. We also require 2.5m height clearance.Wealsorequire1standardUKsocketwithin5moftheproposedsetup areaWhat happens if our event is running late?Ourstaffwillonlystayfortheoriginalhiretimebooked,wewilltryto setupasquicklyaspossiblesoyougetthemosttimefromthephoto boothbutwewillnotstaylongerthantheoriginaltimebooked,please ensure we can setup around 1hr before your specified start time.Can the booth be set up earlier?Yes,wecansettheboothupearlierintheday/evening.Thisisidoltime andtheboothwillnotbeoperationalduringthisperiod.Idoltimeis charged at a reduced rate.PrintsHow many photos are included in the hire?Yourguestscanvisittheboothasmanytimesastheywantduringthehire periodwithtwophotosbeingprintedforeachvisit.Usuallyatweddings onegoesintotheguestbooktheothergoestothepeoplethatareinthe picture.Corporateeventsandpartiesweprinttwofortheguestsinthe picture.Butremembertherearenolimitsonhowmanyvisitsyourguests can have.What is the quality of the photos?WeusethelatestCanonmirrorless4khigh-resolutioncamera,studio lighting and professional software to produce exceptional quality photos.What is the quality of the prints?PrintsfromourPhotoBoothwillbeprintedusingthelatestDNPthermal dyesublimationprinters,asusedbyphoto-processingcompanies.They printinabout8secondsandallphotosaredeliveredtotallytouchdryand waterproof.Will we be able to access the photos online?Yes,youcanaccessphotosposteventfromyourclientportal.oronthe photo gallery page on this site. View and Download HereWho owns the copyright and ownership of the photos?MooMuuPhotoExperienceshassoleownershipofallphotostakenand processed from every event.Props, Backdrops and Flower WallsDo you supply props?Absolutely!weprovideahugeboxfullofpremiumpropswhichcanbe themedonrequest.Additionally,ifyoudonotrequirepropsthenthat's no problem at all.Can I choose a backdrop?Ofcourse,youcanchooseyourbackdropatthetimeofbookingor anytime via your client portal account.Take a look at our range of backdrops and flower wallsCan I supply my own props and or backdrop?Absolutely,ifyouwouldliketousesomethinginparticularyouaremore thanwelcometodoso(afterallitisyouevent),thebackdropideally needs to be 7ft x 7ft.Guest BookDo you also supply glue and pens for the guest book?Yes, this is all included in your package!What kind of guest books do you supply?Wewillsupplytoourweddingclientsastandardguestbook.Thisisa whitehardbackedbookwhichis8x8"there'senoughspacefora4x6print and space for guests to leave a message. Wealsosupplypremiumleatherguestbooksandpersonalisedfaux leather guest book which can be purchased via your client portalCan we supply own own guest book?Yes of course. Just let us know that you're supplying your own.PaymentsWhat payment methods do you acceptWeacceptcredit/debitcards,Klarna3instalmentpaymentsandbank transfers.Here's a link to our payment pageHow much do you charge?Our rates start at £475.00.Do I have to pay a deposit?Theinitialpaymentof£95.00ispayableuponbookingandtheremaining balanceisthendue14daysbeforeyoureventdate.We'llsendareminder before this is due.What happens to my deposit if I cancelInitialpaymentsarenotrefundableasthiscoversouradmintimesetting up your booking and online portal account to manage your booking.Insurance and Legal DocumentsAre you insured?Yes,weholda10millionpoundspublicliabilityinsurancewhichisabove what most venues requireDo you have PAT certificationYes,allofourequipmentisregularlytestedforelectricalsafety.Acopyof ourPATcertificationcanbedownloaded/viewed/sentdirectlytoyour venue via your client portalTravelWhat areas do you travel to?WetravelprimarilyaroundWiltshire,Cotswolds,Bath,Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire,Somerset,Bristol,Berkshire,HampshireandtheNewForest. Travelisincludedforthefirst50milesandasmallfeepermilethereafter. WealsotravelanywhereintheUKforourclientsevents.Travelcostsare calculated online when obtaining a quote.Client Portal AccountWhat is the client portal account?Youwillhaveaccesstoyourownbookingmanagementaccountviaour websitewhenyoubookwithMooMuu.Youwillbeabletomanageyour booking,makepayments,downloaddocumentsandchoosetemplates and backdrops to name a few.Youcanlogintoyourclientportalaccountbyclickingthelinkinthemenu on the top of the website.How do I access the digital photos online?Youcanaccessallofyourphotosonlineposteventbysimplylogginginto yourclientportalaccountandscrolldowntothemediasection.You'llbe abletodownload/shareandviewyourphotosthere.Wewillalsosendyou a link 48 hours post event.Ifyou'vebeentoaneventandwishtoviewphotos,youcanfindthem here, photo gallery